Music City Center

Music City – You’ve Been Good To Me!

Music City has certainly been good to me! Old friends, new friends, and a variety of interesting experiences. Definitely different having accessibility of a big city for two weeks in contrast to my more rural travels over the last six months.

Spending time with an old friend was fun and has been a theme of my journey along with making new friends along the way. That happened in Nashville as well, as I now call the Sanderlins my friends. They just recently celebrated one year of living and traveling fulltime in their RV. Check out their blog at

Dave Ramsey

Meeting Dave Ramsey, the financial planner who’s tagline is “Live like no one else now so later you can live like no one else” was a unique experience. He was broadcasting live which revealed a little behind the scenes perspective. Many people know him through his educational program, Financial Peace University

“Debt is dumb, cash is king, and the paid-off home mortgage has taken the place of the BMW as the status symbol of choice.”

~ Dave Ramsey, Ramsey Solutions

WordCamp 2018

WordCamp 2018 just happened to be in Nashville at Music City Center convention center, so I decided to attend, along with over 2,000 others. WordCamp is a software developers conference for WordPress. As open source software, WordPress depends on the entire community for success. I met lots of people – both attendees and vendors – and the hallway conversations were as helpful as the formal presentations. Matt Mullenweg, founder of WordPress, was the keynote speaker and provided insight into the future of the democratize publishing platform.

Cornerstone Nashville

Cornerstone Nashville church was presenting their Christmas Reel program and proved to be a great way to reinforce the reason for the season. These mega churches certainly have a large talent pool to pull off a seemingly professional production.

Cornerstone Nashville Church’s presentation of Christmas Reel was a fun way to experience the reason for the season.

“Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can.”

~ Danny Kaye, American actor, singer, dancer, comedian, musician

Nashville Scene

I explored downtown Nashville and attended three sporting events. The 33-story AT&T Building defines the Nashville skyline and is the tallest building in Tennessee. Amazon is moving into the city with a regional office tower that will make a noticeable impact on the growing city.

Nashville is known for Hot Chicken, and some new friends introduced me to Prince’s Hot Chicken on the north side of Nashville.

Stay tuned in just a couple days for my First Six Months in 60 Seconds video!

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