Brad Saum at Panama City Beach

Panama City Beach

Not quite swimming weather, but it was sufficiently warm to take my shoes off and stroll along Panama City Beach. Not a cloud anywhere to interrupt the warmth of the sun as the waves casually broke against the white sand.

The warmth of the sand against my bare feet was countered by the chilly Gulf water. Even though it was not exactly beach weather, it was close enough to enjoy.

The white sands and clear saltwater of Panama City Beach.

There’s just something special about walking the beach under a clear blue sky. I scanned the seashells at my feet and the distant horizon where the Gulf of Mexico met the sky.

To escape and sit quietly on the beach – that’s my idea of paradise.

>>>> Emilia Wickstead, fashion designer
Pier Park blocked in preparation for the parade.

Mardi Gras at Panama City Beach

After a two-hour stroll along Panama City Beach, it was across the street for a Mardi Gras parade at Pier Park, an outdoor shopping center at Panama City Beach. Over a hundred floats passed through the streets of the outdoor mall tossing beads to the crowds that eagerly lined both sides.

One of the many interesting Mardi Gras floats.

I managed to snag a few beads to complement the beads I collected in Mobile last year. It is almost surreal that tossing beads from quirky floats can create such a fun, friendly and light-hearted atmosphere.

Fun floats at the Pier Park Mardi Gras Parade.
Beads are everywhere at Mardi Gras.
SkyWheel Ferris Wheel in Pier Park

RVing Revealed

VET SCHOOL FOR LONI! Proud to share that my daughter Loni has been accepted to one vet school, and two others are still pending. She has wanted to be a veterinarian since she was very young. More importantly, Loni has worked hard, made sacrifices, set priorities and graduates with her pre-vet degree in May. Now with a formal acceptance, this August she will be headed off to vet school! Hopefully the other two schools will extend offers and provide the fun dilemma of having to select.

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