Tag: Louisiana

  • Pinch the Tail and Suck the Head

    Pinch the Tail and Suck the Head

    I have been fascinated with Louisiana since my first visit over thirty years ago. The people, culture, language, food, and coastal environment has captured my attention and is not replicated...

  • Coastal Cajun

    Bayou Area Habitat for Humanity Following the infamous Hurricane Katrina, Oprah Winfrey and Bon Jovi donated the funds to build housing in the coastal Cajun area for those returning to...

  • 6 Months in 60 Seconds

    6 Months in 60 Seconds! Click above image or here for the 60 second video: 6 Months in 60 Seconds! I closed on the sale of my house on June 15,...

  • Dew Drop Jazz Hall

    An evening of Jazz with fellow volunteers with Habitat for Humanity RV Care-A-Vanners! Sitting under a live oak tree smothered in Spanish moss, we sat in our folding camp chairs...

  • Louisiana Swamp

    Heading to Lake Fausse Pointe State Park, southeast of Lafayette, Louisiana, provided me an opportunity to reach beyond the main highways and urban areas. Narrow roads lined with fields of...

  • Cajun Country

    The changing dynamic of the various crops growing in each region I travel through presents a continual wave of transition as I traversed a sliver of the country from north...