Big Rock Park, Custer, SD
Disc Golf Course Review
Shout out to Aiden – thanks for sharing your course and allowing me to play along! Awesome disc golf course!

For those who do not have the good fortune of an experienced local to guide them through the course, the Custer County Chamber of Commerce has free printed maps in their Visitor Center. Oh, and try not to send any rogue discs in the direction of the grazing deer that frequent the lush grass around Hole 6. Seriously! Yes, it is that kind of course, in a wooded area and hilly terrain.

Eighteen holes with an average range of about 275 feet, and all Par 3. The course is entirely among the Ponderosa pine trees, and granite rock outcroppings typical of the landscape in the Black Hills. There is essentially no dense undergrowth, just the natural prairie grasses that can effectively hide discs. There are a couple blind throws, where having a spotter can be helpful.

This disc golf course is in Big Rock Park overlooking the city of Custer, South Dakota. There is no level ground, gentle and not so subtle inclines with paths meandering up and around. All the tee boxes are concrete and level. At the base of each basket is an arrow indicating the direction of the next tee box.
Gotta take Bill’s approach – play like there are no trees! Go for it! Par is definitely obtainable, especially with some experience on this course. The baskets are rotated frequently between the two locations at each hole, so the course is changing weekly. The orange flags attached to each basket rise about six feet above the basket and certainly aids in spotting the target from the tee box.

Terrain is a little challenging, but the exercise is part of the attraction and the views of the surrounding Black Hills are worthwhile.

Go out of your way to play Big Rock Park!