Dew Drop Jazz Hall
An evening of Jazz with fellow volunteers with Habitat for Humanity RV Care-A-Vanners! Sitting under a live oak tree smothered in Spanish moss, we sat in our folding camp chairs in the middle of a neighborhood in Mandeville, Louisiana. The air was crisp and the evening dark on the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain just across the causeway from New Orleans. An old live oak tree stands over the Jazz and Social Hall that has been hosting music for over 120 years.[/caption]The old weathered wood plank Jazz and Social Hall was shining bright with both light and music that extended out and filled the surrounding air.

“Don’t do nothing halfway, else you find yourself dropping more than can be picked up.” — Louis Armstrong, one of the most influential jazz artists of all time
The Dew Drop Jazz Hall has been hosting the best jazz musicians for over 120 years! We had the pleasure of listening to world class jazz clarinetist Doreen Ketchens and her band. They have performed for four
Doreen Ketchens
Doreen Ketchens and her band are especially well known as educators, routinely taking their music into schools around the world to share the culture and music of New Orleans. They also perform regularly in New Orleans.
The adjacent Baptist church served dinner of catfish, Jambalaya, coleslaw, red beans and rice, and cornbread. We ate well while consumed with unbelievable music.
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Check out some Doreen Ketchens Jazz: