Finding Big Foot
Rain ended my outdoor fun at Pennyrile State Park. It was time to move even if it was raining. Rain, by the way, that lasted five days! Sitting through the rain would prove worthwhile as I soon met up with friends at Land Between the Lakes to find the elusive Bigfoot.

The rain kept me out of my kayak and off the trails for a few days, but provided a great opportunity to do some routine maintenance on on the RV. Replaced the screen on the water pump, flushed the hot water heater, sanitized the fresh water tank, and a few other mini-projects were accomplished.
Two hours before my friends arrived, the five days of rain was suddenly replaced with warm sunny days and cool evenings. Perfect weather for camping at Land Between the Lakes. Camping and experiencing Sasquatch.

I don’t always incorporate the traditional ideas of camping into my days, such as camp fires, cooking over the wood fire, roasting marshmallows, etc. Although I occasionally camp, I also have a kitchen, microwave, living room and TV.
I was thoroughly enjoying the camping and mentioned that to my friends who were visiting for a few days from Lexington, KY. They were quick to note that I live in a camper and stay at campsites, and that qualifies as camping! Hard to argue with that, but I do have a broad variety of experiences as I live and travel full time in my RV.
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Land Between the Lakes
It was a few days of relaxation, steaks grilled over the camp fire, fun experiences and exploring Land Between the Lakes. The deer strolling through the campgrounds was fun to see, and the skunk making nightly rounds

left us alone . The Homeplace 1850s working farm was an impressive living history experience.
Our search for Bigfoot started with a friendly prank. As I arrived first to the campground, I had arranged my camping neighbor to leave out a trail of popcorn and start talking about seeing Bigfoot at his campsite.

Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area in southwest Kentucky is Squatchy. Vast forested land bordered by Lake Barkley on one side and Kentucky Lake on the other. Being squeezed between the bodies of water added to sense of being remote.
Late one night we took my truck down a couple dirt Forest Service access roads. We were fortunate to see eyeshine in the distance. Clearly was eyeshine, but not so clear that we could definitively say it was a Bigfoot.

Hanging out with old friends, making new friends, stoking the camp fires, grilling steak, and exploring the area in search if Bigfoot all contributed to make these few days in Land Between the Lakes a memorable adventure.
The Habitat for Humanity build in Tennessee that I previously mentioned was in my travel plans was cancelled. I have just registered for a build in southeast Louisiana in late October. Time to ease south.
Thanks for following my journey!
© Brad Saum/ 2018 – All rights reserved.