Social Distancing and Hiking
I hope everyone is doing well under these unprecedented circumstances.
Exploring the outdoors is a luxury in this interim norm of restricted travel and self-isolating. Although perhaps a paradox at first glance, social distancing and hiking can actually work well in unison.

My hikes start from my campsite at Lake Guntersville State Park in northeastern Alabama. Therefore, I am limiting both my travel and interactions with others. Fortunately, this area is better known for the campground and lake, and not so much for the hiking. That equates to virtually no one on the network of trails that meander through the surrounding 6,000 acres.
Social distancing and hiking has been an invigorating distraction from the realities that have encroached upon our daily lives. The sights, sounds and smells of the natural world abound in the cool mornings. With more daylight and warmer days, more and more creatures seem to be emerging for a peek.

The lack of a continuous trickle of news, alerts, predictions, worries and discussions about the pandemic provides a mental health break while focusing on the trail, little flowers blooming, and wildlife occasionally darting about.
The flora and fauna seem content to carry on oblivious to the concerns of the world. Buds are emerging, leaves greening in the abundant sun, and birds are chasing each other while nests ae being carefully constructed.
Don’t lose yourself in the temporary. No one has ever seen, no one has heard and no one has ever imagined what God has prepared.
Donavan in Coffee Shop, (derived from 1 Corinthians 2:9)
Social distancing and hiking are not only a good combination, but is also great exercise. I have spent my days hiking, biking and kayaking as I limit my travel and self-isolate.

Hiking works well in this area, as most of the visitors focus on the lake. Some state and national parks have found it necessary to close entirely as people converge on popular hiking trails, scenic overlooks and boat ramps making it essentially impossible to maintain social distancing.
Alabama State Parks remain open, with areas where people tend to congregate such as playgrounds, beaches, etc. closed to encourage social distancing. Although campgrounds remain open here in Alabama, people vary greatly in their efforts to maintain the recommended social distancing. I suppose that is likely true everywhere.

I strive to stay updated to maneuver through the variety of restrictions each state is implementing. Along with the rest of the country, the guidelines and restrictions are routinely being revised and updated based on the changing and reality.

I will be staying here another week or perhaps longer, as I continually evaluate and adjust to fulltime RVing amid a pandemic. All things considered, this is an ideal place to “stay at home”.
Best of luck to everyone as you face your challenges. May we conquer this coronavirus and resume some type of normalcy very soon.
RVing Revealed
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Kentucky Knows:

About two years ago, I had an article and photos published in American Lifestyle magazine about a local artisan working with bourbon barrels. Here’s a link to the article: Bourbon With a Twist: The Art of Salvaging Oak. Tony Davis operates a great coffee business in downtown Frankfort, KY. Check him out at Kentucky Knows.
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