Beware of Alligators?
Mississippi State Fair
159th Mississippi State Fair and free biscuits for everyone! The Biscuit Booth featured employees from the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce making homemade biscuits and then serving everyone who walked by a complimentary warm biscuit topped with Blackburn syrup. I knew I was back in Mississippi,

a place I called home for about ten years.
As my journey of living and traveling full time in my RV unfolds there are three primary components. First, spending time with friends, reconnecting with old acquaintances, and embracing new friendships that develop along the way. Second is service – I have another two week Habitat for Humanity build scheduled at the end of October in Louisiana. Third, is exploring and discovery – wherever and however that evolves.

This last week was highlighted by spending time with old friends, and I am grateful for them carving out time in their schedules for multiple dinners, conversations, and even a trip to the Mississippi State Fair!
“All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake up in the day to find it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act out their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible. This I did.” — T.E. Lawrence’s book Seven Pillars of Wisdom
Feel free to connect with me:
Canton Flea Market
Over 1,000 artists and craftsmen gather twice a year to showcase their handcrafted items at the Canton Flea Market

in Canton, Mississippi. I enjoy seeing creativity and artisan works, so I joined the other tens of thousands of people who converged on this little town in central Mississippi. The skill and talent that people possess is amazing and it is fun to see the unique creations.

Beware of Alligators! Yes, something tells me that is not a sign to take lightly. I’m not too anxious to toss my kayak in the water right now. Have yet to see an alligator, and of course I did go looking along the Pearl River off of the Natchez Trace Parkway.
An afternoon thunderstorm produces a well composed melody as the rain droplets fall onto the RV. The casual wind accompanying the rain rattles the 100-foot tall oak trees towering over my trailer. A single acorn shakes loose and generates an astounding crashing sound as it impacts my roof. Then without warning another sharp acorn explosion that brings me fully alert.

Then another acorn makes impact, and then another. So much for the afternoon nap to the pleasant pitter patter of rain drops! Who knew a simple acorn could cause such a ruckus.
I’m headed south, likely one more stop in Mississippi before crossing into Louisiana.