Circle SD
South Dakota State Parks Camping
I have circled the state of South Dakota finally landing in Brookings and I’m going to do it one more time before leaving. Not real efficient or economical, but there is reason to my madness. Besides, I am right where I want to be and South Dakota State Parks camping has proved to be great experiences.
First pass crossing across South Dakota was headed west on Interstate 90 to reach Rapid City and start the process of establishing a domicile. Had to get an address and driver’s license and essentially establish a virtual home.
Since then it was all about exploring the Black Hills, followed by crossing back across the state to the east taking advantage of South Dakota State Parks camping along the Missouri River. I intentionally avoided the interstate on the trip east which gave me the opportunity to pass through both Pine Ridge and Rose Bud Indian Reservations, as well as see some new landscape and travel a slower comfortable pace.
South Dakota State Parks are awesome – well maintained, friendly staff and great services. Here’s the state parks I have been staying recently: Angustora, Buryanek, Chief White Crane and Randall Creek.
My days have been filled with hiking in Wind Cave National Park, mountain biking at Angustora Lake, touring the U.S. Corps of Engineers Gavins Point Dam and Power Plant on the Missouri River, kayaking Lake Yankton crisscrossing back and forth between South Dakota and Nebraska and playing disc golf on several courses.
If you enjoy seeing the disc golf courses I play while South Dakota State Parks camping, here’s TWO new reviews (several more in the queue and will be published soon: Gavins Point Disc Golf Course (Yankton, SD) and Lake Yankton Disc Golf (Alten, NE).
Yes, 1400 miles in the last 20 days in South Dakota. Definitely on the move more than I really want to be, but I’m still getting settled into my routine and figuring out the right pace. I was also straddling some tight reservations around the Fourth of July Holiday. There is so much to see and do and people to connect with!
By the way, that’s 147 gallons of diesel I have burned through in South Dakota thus far – I average 9.5 miles to the gallon when towing. I’ll post more details on fuel consumption later for those that may be interested.
Now, I’m settled into Brookings, SD for two weeks of volunteering with Habitat for Humanity – more details to come on this awesome opportunity to give back and help others. Check out my North Carolina experience with Habitat for Humanity last October.
I have no regrets with my journey thus far…more details on my thoughts about that in the coming weeks. Oh yeah, I will also explain the need to cross back across the entire state of South Dakota making for another 1400 mile trek – an exciting opportunity on August 2nd … more to come.
If you missed any of my previous posts, check out Why SD.