Fulltime RVing Amid Coronavirus
I hope everyone is well. I was previously at Chickasabogue County Park Campground in Mobile, Alabama. When the Habitat for Humanity builds were suspended, I intended to stay put and practice social distancing.
The county park, including the campground eventually announced it was closing, so I plotted my next move. Alabama has relatively few cases of coronavirus, which may or may not accurately represent who is really infected. Regardless, hospitals in Alabama are operating at normal capacity levels, and no immediate surge is expected.
I am well and having been basically isolated for nearly two weeks now. I am appreciating the fact that I feel healthy. I had no reason to specifically think I was exposed, but felt it was just good sense to keep a safe distance from others.

My goal was to locate a campground where I could stay active while practicing social distancing. My preference was a state park campground where I could easily hike, bike and kayak.
Lake Guntersville State Park in northeastern Alabama was perfect.I have stayed here twice before: Lake Guntersville State Park and Soaring.
There are quite a few campers here at Lake Guntersville, but we are sufficiently separated. There are miles of hiking trails, easy walks along the lakeshore, paved roads to bike and an entire lake to kayak.
There are no constraints on the human mind, no walls around the human spirit, no barriers to our progress except those we ourselves erect.
President Ronald Reagan, February 6, 1985, State of the Union address
This campground is about 50 miles southeast of Huntsville, therefore I have good cell phone service and all the networks on TV. Of all places to ride out a week or two, I am fortunate to have a nearly ideal location. And also critically important, the weather is wonderful.
There was the issue of traveling 300 miles from Mobile to Guntersville. With my house in tow behind me, literally, I could stop for break in rest areas removed from others. My stop for fuel included gloves, followed by wipes, hand sanitizer and disinfecting spray. Using the pay-at-pump option I avoided even entering a gas station while in-transit.
With news of campgrounds being forced to close in some states, thank you to everyone who has reached out and extended an offer to park and weather this unusual storm. I appreciate having several contingency plans in different areas if needed. I am in a great place for now, but circumstances can change quickly.
Stay well, my friends.

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Need something to read? Be sure to check out these two books I authored: