Spring Fixes
With the sun shining and the windows open, the mild Alabama weather feels like spring is in the air. During the cold and snow I had been making a list and perhaps procrastinating some maintenance.
After seeing the bald eagles at Lake Guntersville, it was time to move on and see some more of Alabama. I am diligent on moving days to do a walk around and inspect my rig each time I stop. And there it was – a screw in my tire! So far the tire was holding air.
RV Tire Troubles
The last couple weeks, I had also been nursing along a tire on the other side. Tire pressure fluctuates with the temperature and I was making the necessary adjustments while I was transitioning from the cold to much more mild temperatures. Regardless, I had one tire that always needed air and I was keeping a close eye on it. Unfortunately, it was not the tire with the screw.

My travels stopped right there as I sought out the nearest tire store to get two new tires.
For those interested in tire details…I run ST-235-80R16. I previously concluded from my research that ST (Special Trailer) tires are best for trailers, although a few people out there run with LT (Light Truck). I select tires with a load range of F – basically each tire is rated for 3,960 pounds – I only need a rating of 2,800 pounds each. With four tires on the trailer, load range F can easily support my gross weight and still have excess capacity.
I replaced two tires, the one with the screw and the one with the slow leak. A new tire on each side, as both were on the same axle, so that worked out well. With that completed, I was motivated to check a few other items off my list of repairs and maintenance.
Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher and poet
RV Rubber Roof
The EPDM rubber membrane roof got a good cleaning and UV protectant. I have found Dawn liquid soap works great and after a good rinse, I rub in the UV protectant made for RV roofs. It also was a great time to inspect the roof and add some Dicor self-leveling lap sealant in a couple spots.

RV Awning
The awning had some awful mildew marks and was simply dirty from being rolled up all winter. I saw an idea on YouTube and gave it a try. I extended the awning and lathered it up with Dawn brand liquid soap and a small amount of bleach. Then I rolled the awning up and let it sit for about thirty minutes. I extended it once again and scrubbed with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. It worked! Looks great.

Then there was the time I had brought the awning in, and it caught the edge of my ladder that had been out for some other project. Needless to say, it quickly bent a piece of the arm as it was retracting. Of course, the entire arm has to be replaced as individual parts are difficult to replace with the compression strut holding about 150 pounds of pressure. After checking with multiple RV dealers, I found Unlimited RV in Cullman, Alabama who could get the replacement arm the next day and install it. Done.

Several months ago, I had some water just starting to penetrate the edge of the slide and all I had readily available at the time was white caulk. It served the purpose well and prevented any damage, but the white looked terrible against the tan RV. I scraped off the white caulk, and replaced it with clear caulk and proceeded to caulk a few other places as a preventative measure.

Feels refreshing to be out in the warm sun, and even better to have some spring fixes done. A little early for spring, especially for those you in the snow, but it sure feels like spring here! Now I’m ready to get out and explore this area.
RVing Revealed
On a personal note, my son finished first in the Mid-South Conference in 60 meter hurdles in indoor track and field held in Birmingham, Alabama. Here’s a 30-second video of the championship race: Mid-South Conference 60M Hurdles
The Habitat for Humanity RV Care-A-Vanners are celebrating 30 years of helping provide affordable housing. If you are interested in a great opportunity for volunteer service, check out the Habitat for Humanity website for their brief intro video or read about my experiences, such as South Dakota or Louisiana.
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