200 Miles and Into the Smokies
The emerging signs of spring were just gradually becoming more prevalent when the temperatures dropped dramatically accompanied by an unwelcome snow storm. It was initially exciting to officially enter Great...
Synchronized Fireflies
Synchronized fireflies treat Smoky Mountain visitors to a magical light show. Once a year and in one small area, thousands of Synchronous Fireflies (Photinus carolinus) flash their bioluminescence. Then there...
National Park Volunteer
A multitude of volunteer opportunities exist in Great Smoky Mountains National Park and there are National Park Service volunteers serving at parks throughout the country. The majority of volunteers live...
Hands On With Smoky Mountain Bears
Black bears are an iconic symbol of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Smoky Mountain bears are wild animals and thrive on a diet of nuts, berries, insects and animal carrion....
RV Maintenance
Despite all the distractions of the Smoky Mountains, it is time for some RV maintenance. As I approach nearly a year of living and traveling full-time in my RV, there...
Volunteering in the Smokies
After nearly a year of living and traveling full-time in my RV, change is in the air. I am settling down – but only for two months! I am volunteering...