Enough Cold Already
The northerly wind blasted across the wide open surface of the lake gradually rolling the water into waves. The whitecaps collapsed as they approached the shore splashing into the rocks along Lake Guntersville State Park.
The cold front dropped from Canada and was pushing south. For most of December and January, I mingled with family and friends in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. It was time to head south! I was barely ahead of the approaching cold as I dashed out of Ohio through Kentucky and nearly skipped over Tennessee without stopping.

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
– Mary Oliver, American Poet 1935-2019
Alabama Bound
Just as I passed through Tennessee a 224-foot tall Saturn 1B rocket standing alongside the interstate was enough to raise my curiosity. Therefore, I had to stop at the Alabama Welcome Center on I-65 and checkout the rocket. The Saturn 1B was the precursor to the 363-foot tall Saturn V rocket that propelled American astronauts to the moon.
I landed in Alabama, but not entirely out of the reach of the cold. Fortunately though, I was just beyond the very bitter freeze biting down hard through the Midwest and Northeast.

Lake Guntersville State Park
As I settled into Lake Guntersville State Park in Alabama for a few nights, the clouds from the approaching cold front created a beautiful sunset across the scenic lake. My waterfront real estate produced a great view, even if it was deceivingly warm only in appearance.
The coolness temporarily gripped Alabama, but nothing of the severity experienced by other parts of the country. The cold rain fell, but no snow or ice emerged. The wind blew and the waves crashed against the rocks. A couple cold nights and it is quickly back to 60 degrees (Farenheit).

The Lake Guntersville State Park campground right along the Tennessee River was inviting. With the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains gradually emerging to the north, there are amazing views of the lakeside campground below.
‘Bama Wildlife

Lots of wildlife here and sunny days ahead to explore. The deer were welcoming and easy to photograph. I’ll venture out and try to capture something more challenging over the next couple days. There should be lots of birds down here.
Check back to see what I find!
RVing Revealed
It would be great to connect with you!
My experiences with Habitat for Humanity RV Care-A-Vanners:
Habitat for Humanity – November 9, 2018
Habitat – July 14, 2018
Habitat for Humanity Build – October 18, 2017